Bamgostaran Co.

member code: 1209
Brand name: Bamgostaran
Company description: Bamgostaran privately held company was registered under number 1103 in companies registration office in Urmia in 1984 and from the precedence point of view it is the establisher of waterproofing membranes industry in province, besides it s the third active and registered company in the country.
In 1996, it took operations to establish a polymeric production line for manufacturing waterproofing membranes under Bamgostaran commercial mark in a ground with 10 thousands square meters area located in 15th kilometer from shahid kalantari road. Now; the constructed foundation is about 5200 square meters and production capacity of thirteen and a half of million square meters in 3 working shifts in a year.
This unit has national standard certification for four kinds of its products, furthermore; it is the first unit of manufacturing waterproofing membranes European standard of CE marking and it is considered as the first cooperator unit of Standard Organization by having laboratory authenticity verification license in the country, besides; it has received ISO 9001-2008 license.
This company had established refinery for producing different kinds of bitumen from vacuum bottom with capacity of 35000 tons in a year had reached self-sufficiency and by equipping its laboratory with up-to-date equipments, modern technology and employing specialists, taking national standard is able to produce and sell huge amount of bitumen in inland markets and export.
Meanwhile; this company developed factory site from 10 thousand square meters to 30 thousand square meters and

Account type: Supplier and Buyer
Main markets: Iran
profile visit count: 426